STEWARDSHIP: Our response to God’s gracious gifts.

Sugar Cane

Stewardship is the care and management of that which belongs to another. while we often speak of things as “ours,” the reality is that all that we have and all we are belongs to another — God. As the Apostle Paul put it, “What do you have that you did not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7). […]

Embracing a New Approach to Evangelism: Lessons from Uganda

There are so many things Western churches can learn from our African brothers and sisters. Erik Strandness shares his reflections from a Ugandan pastor Richmond Wandera. This fascinating discussion not only examined the regional challenges but also addressed the influence of Western Christianity both past and present. In Uganda, the blending of African folk religion […]

Church Membership: Embracing Your Active Role in God’s Story

Do you see church membership as more than a label? Think of it like a job – not just a title, but a meaningful role filled with power and responsibility. Let’s dig deeper into this idea. “THINK OF IT LIKE A JOB – NOT JUST A TITLE, BUT A MEANINGFUL ROLE FILLED WITH POWER AND […]

Is It Fair for God to Judge Those Whom He Predestined?

In the ninth chapter of Romans, the apostle Paul delves into the complex topic of God’s sovereignty and mercy in the context of predestination and divine judgment. He addresses questions surrounding fairness, human accountability, and God’s chosen people. Let’s explore the key insights from this chapter that shed light on these challenging theological concepts. GOD’S […]

Jesus’ Transformative Words: Powerful Yet Gentle

In the red-letter edition of the Bible, the words of Jesus stand out, often filling pages with profound teachings and treatises. However, amidst the longer teachings, Jesus displayed his power and compassion with just a few words, speaking volumes in his responses. Let’s explore these moments where Jesus’ brief utterances brought immense healing and authority. […]

Faith Like Vinyl: Embracing Imperfect Authenticity

Hey there, music lovers and spiritual seekers! Today, let’s take a deeper dive into the world of vinyl records and discover the profound connection between vinyl’s scratches and our faith journey. Vinyl records have seen a remarkable resurgence, and it’s not just a passing trend. People are drawn to vinyl because it offers a special […]